Reviewed: August 2023
PRA Group Canada Inc. (PRA) believes in equal opportunity and is committed to providing a barrier-free environment that allows all people to maintain their independence and dignity. As an organization, we respect and uphold the requirements set forth under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (2005) and its associated Regulations and strive to meet the needs of individuals with disabilities in a timely and effective manner.
PRA is also committed to providing a work environment whereby all organization members receive an equal employment opportunity and accommodation where required, in accordance with the requirements under the AODA and the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation (191/11) (“IASR”).
This Plan outlines current policies and new policies and actions that PRA will put into place to improve opportunities for people with disabilities.
PRA’s Multi-Year Accessibility Plan sets out the organization’s strategy to address our current and future accessibility objectives in accordance with the requirements of the AODA and IASR. As required by AODA and the IASR, this Plan will be reviewed and updated every 5 years.
The requirements applicable to PRA include:
- Client service standards,
- Emergency response information,
- Information and communications,
- Training,
- Employment Standards, and
- Reporting.
Responsibility: Human Resources
PRA provides its services in a way that respects the dignity and independence of everyone involved, including people with disabilities. In 2012 PRA established a Customer Service Policy for providing goods and services to people with disabilities.
All organization members are trained on the purpose and requirements of the AODA on an ongoing basis and training is provided to new organization members during their orientation.
Assistive devices are granted to people with disabilities and organization members are trained and familiar with various assistive devices. The organization’s members are trained about assistive devices including, but are not limited to wheel chairs, Bell TTY relay services, and client voicemail and email access.
PRA implemented the need to accommodate people with disabilities who are accompanied by a registered service animal, or support person in the areas of our premises that are open to the public.
Notice is provided to clients and visitors in the event of a planned or unexpected disruption in our facilities or services. This notice includes the reason for the disruption, its anticipated duration and a description of alternative facilities or services, if available.
Responsibility: Human Resources
PRA is committed to providing clients and visitors with emergency response information in an accessible manner upon request. Organization members with disabilities are provided with individualized emergency response information and accommodation, as required.
Responsibility: Human Resources
2014-2021 (COMPLETED)
In 2014 PRA complied with the provisions of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (“WCAG”) 2.0, Level A, by providing an accessible website and web content.
By January 1st, 2021, PRA will take the required action to ensure its website and all new website content conforms to all WCAG 2.0, Level AA requirements.
Responsibility: Human Resources
2015 (ONGOING)
PRA continues to ensure that training is conducted on the IASR and the Human Rights Code as it pertains to persons with disabilities. PRA sources either HR service providers or Government websites to deliver its training to all employees and volunteers, all persons who participate in developing the organization’s policies and all other persons who provide goods or services.
Responsibility: Human Resources
2016 (ONGOING)
PRA is committed to providing fair and accessible employment practices. PRA will accommodate people with disabilities during the recruitment and assessment processes and when people with disabilities are hired. Upon hire PRA will give notice to successful candidates of our policies accommodating employees with disabilities.
PRA has taken the required action to comply with the employment practice requirements of the Act and the IASR pertaining to recruitment, selection, new hire orientation, performance management and career development.
Responsibility: Human Resources
2017 (ONGOING)
As soon as PRA is aware of a disruption, the information is posted on our website and on our external office door. For preventative purposes, the company will undertake monthly inspections/reviews of the space to avoid unplanned maintenance or disruptions. Any required maintenance will be completed promptly.
Responsibility: Human Resources
2014-2023 (ONGOING)
In accordance with the Act, PRA complied with the reporting requirements in 2014, 2017, and will complete the required Accessibility Compliance Report every 3 years as required.
Upcoming dates:
- December 31, 2023
- December 31, 2026
- December 31, 2029
PRA welcomes your feedback.
Phone: 519-432-0075 ext. 2356